Friday, September 9, 2011


Peter Callesen
Dan Eldon
Origami artists
Van Gogh
Grant Wood
Salvador Dali
Chuck Close
Roy Lichtenstein
Beauford Delaney
Marc Chagall
Alexander Calder
Andy Warhol
Keith Haring
Norman Lewis
Mickalene Thomas
Shinique Smith

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quarter 1: ARTIST Research Project

Ideas and Development

Informational writing....

1. Clear, helpful information pulled from multiple sources
2. Accurate, useful details needed to aid reader's understanding
3. Information that anticipates and answers readers' questions
4. Writer draws from research

Students should pull from the information they find about their artist to write a concise and descriptive research paper. Their paper should include:

Opening Paragraph: (Introduction)

1. Grab the reader's attention with an enticing first sentence.
2. The paragraph should include an overview of what the following paragraphs will include.

Living in the heart of Kenya proved exciting for Dan Eldon. He spent the majority of his life exploring the wild with a camera-- documenting what he saw in small journals. His life was an adventure. His life was short, but full. Dan Eldon was an explorer that never ceased in using his art as a vehicle to express what he saw, where he went and how he felt.
Dan Eldon was born.....

Second, Third, Fourth Paragraphs:

1. Build the artist's life in stages.
2. You have at least 3 paragraphs to tell about the artist's life: his/hers birth, where he/she lived, what kind of art he/she did, how his/her work influenced the art world.

Closing Paragraph:

1. This paragraph should be a summative of everything you wrote about before.
2. It should include a closing statement that concludes the artist's life.
3. I don't want this paragraph to end with how the artist died. That should be included in the fourth paragraph.
4. This paragraph should wrap everything up. Tell me how the artist has influenced you. How has the information you have learned influenced you? How has the artist influenced the world?

I will be looking at:


1. Factual details of the artist's life-- birth, death, where they lived, what they did, etc...
2. Voice-- Are you writing with your voice? Although it is a research paper, there are ways you can express your opinion. Opening and Closing paragraphs are great places to express how the artist influenced you.
3. Grammar Conventions-- Everything must be grammatically correct. I will be checking on Sentence Fluency, Punctuation, Grammar, and the 5 Paragraph format.

Have Fun!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Still Life Drawings

After the excitement of drawing with light, students drew from a still-life that sat in the center of the room. With tungsten lights shining on opposite ends, dramatic lighting enhanced the focal points of random jars, watering cans, and pumpkin. Tables were awkwardly arranged around the large still life, and music was played in the background. The lesson was an extension on the element of line, but included form, shape, and value as well. Students chose 3 to 5 objects from the still-life to draw from, and were taught how to find basic shapes inside the still-life, a breaking-down technique to help see and draw the structure. It was a great preliminary project that helped me, as a teacher, become aware of the students' needs and desires for their art. Here are a few examples of their work.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4th Quarter Art

At the beginning of the quarter, students were introduced to the Elements of Design. The first element we worked with was line. Students learned about the variety of lines one could make, and our first big activity was "Drawing with Light." For two days, we turned of the lights, shut the blinds and took long exposure photographs of us drawing pictures in the air with flashlights. The images that were produced were fantastic. People have been drawing with light for decades. There are famous photographs of Picasso drawing with light from the 1950's.

It is exciting to see what kind of drawings can be produced by simple movements in the air. I published our photograph in an imovie and looped music into the background. I think it turned out nicely. Please check out the movie by clicking the link below!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Excelsior Middle School: Inside the ART ROOM...

Greetings from the new art teacher!

Hello parents, family members and guardians of the eighth grade class! I am excited to introduce myself as the new art teacher at Excelsior Middle School. I will be taking Meg Hill’s place—she will be greatly missed. Having witnessed the positive rapport she has established at Excelsior, I realize I have some large shoes to fill.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about me. I recently graduated from the University of Iowa with a B.A. in English, Art Education, a B.F.A. in photography and a minor in English Education. I received a wonderful education at the University of Iowa, and feel prepared and anxious to begin a teaching career.

Some of you may already know I began teaching your child last week. I am pleased to have met such a wonderful group of eighth graders. I understand this is a different situation (beginning mid-quarter) and changes can be difficult for students to grasp. I assure you, as a mentor, I will be happy to send my assistance and guidance. The art room will continue to be a place of creativity, a room where students find comfort in expressing their thoughts and emotions. I intend to help students be aware of the influence art has on society, and give students the tools to find themselves, or at least, begin the journey.